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6000-7000元 杭州 应届毕业生 大专
  • 全勤奖
  • 节日福利
  • 不加班
  • 周末双休
杭州市萧山区惠立学校 2024-03-29 12:38:20 861人关注
杭州惠灵顿校区现招聘多位生活老师/宿管 ,工作内容及职责详见下方英文介绍: 要求: 1. 英文能简单沟通 2. 有学校相关经验优先 【注:该岗位将于2023年8月入职】 福利待遇: 1. 20天年假,中外节假日; 2. 六险一金,年度体检,节假日福利,免费员工班车及工作日午餐等; 3. 国际化工作环境,扁平化管理; 4. 晋升空间; 5. 提供食宿 Responsibilities To support the Head of Boarding / Boarding Mistress in the provision of care for pupils in the boarding house. To undertake any reasonable request from the Boarding Mistress which relates directly to the well-being of pupils. Above all the Boarding Matron needs to be generous with their time and responsive to the needs of the pupils. General Duties • To assist staff in dinner and other meals if required. • To monitor pupils’ uniform, shoes and maintain high expectations of appearance. • To ensure that rooms are kept tidy and pupils must be encouraged to assist with this. • Supervision of rising and bedtimes. • Be on overnight cover as per the rota. • Provide an adult presence during agreed hours • To help oversee the safety and security of the pupils. • To provide cover for the Boarding Mistress / Assistant Boarding Mistress and supervision of pupils as required. Welfare / Pastoral • To provide regular overnight cover in the boarding house and to act reasonably to support the boarding house team when emergency cover is required, for example when pupils might need to be taken to hospital. • To promote and maintain a safe environment that, wherever possible, meets the National Minimum Standards for Boarding (UK), whilst recognizing that this might not always be possible in an international / bilingual context. • To support and help settle in all new boarders and contribute to the induction process, ensure as far as possible that any ‘settling in problems’ are resolved. • To ensure boarders have access to snacks and drinks between after meal times through co-operation with the catering staff. • To provide a sympathetic presence in the House, being sensitive to those who are having difficulties, guiding them and supporting them, liaising with Boarding Mistress and other relevant staff concerning the welfare of the child. • Positively encourage and organize pupils in their interests and activities and develop a positive relationship with them. • To advise and ensure high levels of personal hygiene are maintained, including; body cleanliness, personal habits, teeth cleaning, regular hair brushing and nail cutting. • The Boarding Matron will be required at times, to be firm with pupils, reminding them when necessary of their need for appropriate manners and courtesy. Health and Medical • Have regular communications with the school nurse and Boarding Mistress regarding the needs of the boarding. To accompany pupils on urgent hospital visits. • Provide basic medical care as a first aider when nurses are off duty or unavailable. Communication / Record keeping / Administration • The Boarding Matron is expected to be the point of contact for all pupils and parents if the Boarding Mistress is unavailable. • The Boarding Matron will keep accurate records in regard to all boarders. Ensuring up to date information is accurately stored either digitally in OneNote or on share point or digital files. • It is expected that the Boarding Matron share all information with the Boarding Mistress, or if appropriate, with the school DSL (Designated Safeguarding Lead). • To provide written records at the end of each duty, including boarders’ updates and incidents via the callover diary on OneNote. • To have effective and positive relationships with parents and ensure information is passed on via relevant method or in person. • Keeping attendance records up to date, ensuring accurate records are kept on a weekly basis, including child pick up and drop off arrangements for the beginning and end of the week. • Monitor and record access for college visitors including contractors and non- academic staff to the house. • Staff Support: To develop and maintain good working relationships with all colleagues within the School, based upon professional two-way communication. • To plan and support offsite trips, ensuring all Medical planning and Risk Assessments are carried out. Domestic responsibilities • To manage and supervise all boarding cleaners and outside contractors, to ensure they have restricted access to the house and to ensure that the house is a clean and safe environment for boarders. • Ordering and managing household products, soft furnishing and other products. • Undertake daily room inspections, ensuring that boarders rooms are kept to a good standard and to identify any maintenance or cleaning needs. • Liaise with Housekeeper and CBRE teams as required. • To work in conjunction with outside agencies such as laundry and catering to ensure a good level of service and to communicate requirements and needs. • To ensure pupils uniform are well laundered, in good repair and adhere to the School’s Uniform and Dress Rules at all times, including ensuring items of clothing are named. • To be responsible for creating a system for Laundry working with the domestic staff to ensure efficient collection of laundry, and ensuring laundry is bagged to dispatch to external laundry providers as well as the return. General • Manage displays and artwork around the house so boarders are aware of school / house events and sports fixtures. • To promote boarding at Wellington through events such as Open Days and School Tours. • Attend House staff meetings. • To attend and support official House and School functions / events as required by the Boarding Mistress. • Major events in College calendar: To assist in the organisation of all major events • e.g. Open Days; Prize-giving; concerts; plays; Parent Conferences etc.; also, where appropriate, to make regular contributions to school newsletters etc., as directed by the Boarding Mistress. • The Boarding Matron will keep accurate records in regard to all boarders. Ensuring up to date information is appropriately stored either digitally in Share point or in the physical file in the office. • To Manage the house throughout the school day. The Boarding Matron would be expected to do a share of the mid- week and weekend duties. Policies and Procedures • The Matron must be fully conversant with the School’s Health and Safety Policy, monitor those sections as it affects the boarding house and instill into all pupils and staff a positive approach to Health and Safety. • To be familiar with and adhere to the school policies especially those pertaining to child protection, safeguarding, anti-bullying, health and safety, e-safety, substance misuse and be aware of the requirements of the National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools (UK); to be familiar with the contents of the Boarding Handbook. • The Boarding Matron should be familiar with the fire safety procedures as they maybe the responsible person on site in the event of a fire alarm. Professional Development • To attend INSET as required by the Boarding Mistress, Head of Pastoral, School Nurse; undertake relevant professional training and development in order to keep up-to-date with best practice. • To take part in such performance management or staff review arrangements made by the college. • To oversee and be directly involved, as directed by the Boarding Mistress in the Staff Appraisal system. Outside of term time • To be available 2 days before the beginning ad end of each semester to ensure the boarding house is ready for pupils to arrive and cleared when they depart. • To assume responsibility for the Boarding House in the absence of the Boarding Mistress. • To ensure that a comprehensive handover and audit/inspection of the House and all furnishing is recorded prior to and after any letting. • To manage and supervise all boarding cleaners and outside contractors, to ensure they have restricted access to the house and to ensure that the house is a clean and safe environment. • To work in conjunction with CBRE and outside agencies to ensure all deep cleaning, maintenance and decoration is completed to a good standard. • To ensure the House is prepared and ready for boarders return before the start of each term. • To organize and store all soft furnishings and ensure at the start of each term that we have adequate soft furnishings. Other • School trips: To help co-ordinate/ organise the scheduling and planning trips, visits etc. • Admissions: To assist the Director of Admissions and Boarding Mistress in implementing the admissions process for potential new boarders, whether through meeting new parents, interviewing or testing or general administration. • Absenteeism: To work with the Boarding Mistress to ensure that necessary alterations to the boarding timetable are implemented and communicated so that adequate cover is provided for any absenteeism.
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