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EHSS Specialist 环境健康与生活安保专家
18000-25000元 杭州 应届毕业生 本科
  • 全勤奖
  • 节日福利
  • 不加班
  • 周末双休
杭州市萧山区惠立学校 2024-03-16 14:27:32 499人关注
英国惠灵顿公学(Wellington College)于1859年为纪念大不列颠最伟大的军事家并两度任英国首相的惠灵顿公爵而建立。2017年1月11日上午,英国惠灵顿公学正式签约入驻杭州,这是惠灵顿公学在中国继天津、上海之后开设的第三个分校区。 惠灵顿中国杭州校区座落于杭州萧山科技城的国际教育园,包括杭州市萧山区惠立学校、惠立幼儿园和杭州外籍人员子女学校。学校有一套完善的幸福关怀体系贯穿各个学段,为学生提供全人教育,致力于培养具备优质综合才能的惠立学生,使其能适应日新月异的世界并茁壮成长。 工作职责(详见下方英文职责): - 负责杭州校区的整体EHSS管理,包括教学楼,校区内设施,宿舍,食堂等,为教职员工与学生们提供更加安全的生活条件和保障 - EHS管理体系搭建,策略与流程制定,风险与危害监测评估,制定SOPs等 - 环保指标监测,如空气污染、噪音、温度、亮度等 - 环境健康与安全紧急情况处理,管理组织火警预演等 - 与各部门紧密合作,确保校区安全条例与规范 汇报对象:校区财务与运营总监(Bursar) 岗位要求: - 本科及以上学历;环境健康与安全相关专业者优先 - 英文流利;持安全工程师证者优先 - 5年及以上EHS相关经验;外企经验者优先 - 有管理经验者优先 福利待遇: 1. 带薪年假20天,中外节假日假期;双休,不调休 2. 免费午餐,员工班车,节假日福利; 3. 五险一金,补充医疗商保,年度体检; 4. 国际化工作环境,管理扁平,人文关怀 KEY RESPONSIBILITIES • Plans and coordinates safety, environmental, health and security programs requiring application of safety compliance • Develop and execute appropriate strategies for EHSS activities • Develops and implements programs and policies for monitoring and preventing physical hazards • Surveys, compiles and analyses data relating to occupational, environmental and security issues such as air pollution, noise, temperature, lighting which are known or suspected of being real or potential detriments to health. • Performs environmental, health and safety evaluations and facilitate emergency response duties, including oorganizing fire drill and follow up on actions as necessary • Set up environment, health, safety and security standard operation procedures (SOPs) • Carry out risk assessments to identify risks and hazards in the campuses and work with facility, operations, bus, catering teams and PMC to prepare risk assessment report • Develop annual EHSS plan according to risk assessment report • Prepare regular site inspection report and follow up with the improvement (e.g. catering, bus, facility and security) • Work with academic team and operation/service team to organize trainings related to safety to pupils and staff • Work with services team to monitor and ensure school bus safety • Support school events and monitor from security and safety perspective • Supervise safety of PMC and facilities department vendors’ maintenance/repair work. • Establish critical safety (work at height, hot work, confined space, electric live work) working permit and LOTO procedure and policy for campus. • Ensure school daily operation comply with local regulation • Direct compliance programs and assure site compliance with all state and local regulatory requirements, and complete necessary reports for safety purposes. • Execute procedures to implement environmental, safety, health, security and hygiene control programs • Develop and implement continuous improvement for EHSS programs and performance • Ensure that employees comply with safety rules and regulations • Ensure systems are in place to address and monitor on a regular basis • Provide professional problem-solving input to both short term and long-term issues • Provide timely information and guidance for the leadership including EHSS performance trends, root cause corrective actions for accidents or near misses; and support in development and implementation of strategic action plans to achieve • Communications and relations o Provide timely and effective communication with senior leadership, site leaders, staff and associates. • Health and Safety practices o Recommend safe practice of operating procedures when handling equipment and facilities o Current and continuing commitment to Equal Opportunity and Occupational Safety and Health/ Workplace Health
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