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护士 Boarding Nurse
8000-12000元 杭州 应届毕业生 大专
  • 全勤奖
  • 节日福利
  • 不加班
  • 周末双休
杭州市萧山区惠立学校 2024-03-19 23:09:57 159人关注
工作职责: 惠立学校现需招聘1名晚班护士,处理日常学生及教职工的基础医疗护理。教学日的工作时间:周日至周四的下午4点至次日上午9点,晚餐时间17:00-17:30,夜休时间22:00-6:30(护士值班室内),早餐时间7:00-7:30。非教学日与其他护士一样上白班。具体工作内容详见下文英文版岗位职责。 岗位要求: 1. 大专以上学历,护士专业; 2. 2年经验,医院、诊所、体检中心等机构均可,有住宿学校工作经验优先; 3. 熟练运用基本办公软件; 4. 能接受在校值夜班; 5. 大陆护士资格证; 6. 英语能读写即可; 福利待遇: 1. 20天年假,中外节假日; 2. 五险一金,额外商业医疗保险; 3. 免费班车,免费车位,工作日一日三餐; 4. 提供住宿; 5. 国际化工作环境,扁平化管理; KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Medical Service: •Providing a warm medical care to people with health problems, including pupils, staff, vendors, visitors on campus, in accordance with the standards of nursing practice. •Administering medications to pupils as prescribed by a doctor or pharmacist. •Observing and documenting pupils’ health history which orients the treatments to pupils especially when emergency happens. •Monitoring pupils with chronic health conditions, such as asthma or diabetes, and ensuring they have access to necessary medications and treatments. •Regularly report of medical records to the school management team; Immediately reports to the school management team when emergency happens. •Regularly report of daily work to Head Nurse. •Liaise with parents over medical matters concerning their children as appropriate. •Maintaining accurate health records for pupils and ensuring confidentiality of information •Collaborating with teachers, administrators, and parents to promote a healthy school environment. •Responding to medical emergencies and coordinating with emergency services if necessary. •Support the work related to medical in Boarding, HNH, HSH, WCIH. •Support school events during boarding time. Professional Integrity •Be positive and build good relationship with colleagu •Complete tasks assigned on time based on nurse duty responsibility. •Provide cover for absent colleagues as and when deemed necessary by the department head and Boarding Mistress. •Make a significant contribution to the operation of boarding clinic. •Protect privacy of pupils, pupils’ families, and colleagues. •Maintain the highest standards of medical care, child protection and safeguarding at all times. •Contribute as fully as possible to the annual calendar of college events, in whatever way possible. Professional Development •Actively participates in any related training held by the school. •Improve yourself through continuous study and be willing to try new ideas. •Be willing to accept others’ good ideas and share your opinions. •Frequently reflect on your work and share your experience with the members in nurse team and other colleagues. •Support the school events generally and in so far as it relates to medical issues. •Attend and participate fully in Wellington College Staff Development. •Attend staff meetings and briefings as and when required by the head of department, and Head of School.
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