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考试助理 Examinations Assistant
6000-8000元 杭州 应届毕业生 本科
  • 全勤奖
  • 节日福利
  • 不加班
  • 周末双休
杭州市萧山区惠立学校 2024-03-19 06:23:20 205人关注
学校简介: 英国惠灵顿公学(Wellington College)于1859年为纪念大不列颠最伟大的军事家并两度任英国首相的惠灵顿公爵而建立。2017年1月11日上午,英国惠灵顿公学正式签约入驻杭州,这是惠灵顿公学在中国继天津、上海之后开设的第三个分校区。 惠灵顿中国杭州校区座落于杭州萧山科技城的国际教育园,包括杭州市萧山区惠立学校和杭州外籍人员子女学校。学校有一套完善的幸福关怀体系贯穿各个学段,为学生提供全人教育,致力于培养具备优质综合才能的惠立学生,使其能适应日新月异的世界并茁壮成长。 岗位职责:杭州惠灵顿校区现招聘一位考试助理, 主要中考的组织和管理,协助考试主管处理内部和外部的考试。具体工作内容请见以下英文职责。 要求: 1. 本科及以上学历;2年及以上相关经验,熟悉剑桥考试 2. 英语流利,能适应国际化工作环境,认真负责;熟悉数据处理,学生信息安排等 3. 有相关考试安排经验者优先,有在国际学校工作经验者,有考务安排经验者优先 福利待遇: 1. 寒暑假,中外节假日(假期间有考试相关工作时,需要到校支持); 2. 六险一金,年度体检,节假日福利; 3. 免费员工班车及工作日午餐等; 4. 国际化工作环境,扁平化管理 KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: • Oversee all arrangements for GL Education assessments such as CAT4, PASS, PTM, PTE, NGRT and English Levels test • Support the Deputy Head of Junior High and Senior School with the organisation and administration of the Zhongkao examinations • Where applicable, organising, invoicing and ensuring money collected is credited to the relevant account, in liaison with the Finance Department. • Work with each school’s academic leader to organise and co-ordinate the preparation and sitting of each assessment • Be responsible for arrangements for the conduct of assessments. • Make appropriate timetabling and room arrangements for the above and ensuring proper invigilation of the assessments is put in place in accordance with regulations. • To liaise with the Operations Department to ensure that room(s) are available, and desks and chairs set out as required. • Organise appropriate arrangements for the support of candidates with special examination requirements (eg dyslexia, disabled) in conjunction with the Director of Pupil Support. COMMUNICATION AND WORKING WITH OTHERS: • Work closely with all schools on the campus to ensure smooth administration and undertaking of GL Education assessments • Disseminate appropriate information and answer enquiries regarding assessments with staff and pupils. Share the assessment reports with all relevant members of staff • Encouraging a positive examination culture in the school to which all staff and pupils subscribe. • Liaise with the academic leader to ensure appropriate timetabling and invigilation arrangements are in place for the GL assessments. • Participate in appropriate CPD with the agreement of your line manager. FURTHER RESPONSIBILITIES • Work closely with other Exams Officers to ensure consistency in communication, expectations and information dissemination • Meet with line manager regularly to provide updates • Undertake any other reasonable related duties and responsibilities of an equivalent nature, as may be determined by the post holder’s supervisor from time to time, in consultation with the post holder. • Ensure that pupils and teachers are given all the necessary relevant information about assessments • Ensure that all necessary stationery and materials and other requirements are provided for examinations. • Assist the Examinations Officer in their role with external examinations where necessary. This may include double checking entries, organising internal examination papers, invigilation, helping create timetables and other administration tasks. • Being present and available in school on the days when external examination results are notified and overseeing the distribution of results to candidates.
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